Salles voûtées

Years: 2024
Location: Luxembourg
Surface: 390 sqm
Qualification: Cutural-Patrimonial
These 3 halls, located in the grounds of the Centre Culturel et de Rencontre de l’Abbaye de Neumünster, had fallen into disuse, and were no longer adapted to the optimal reception of the public.
In order to best meet the needs of our client, who wished to showcase all kinds of cultural events, we completely rethought the lighting and acoustics of the premises, with particular emphasis on the latter.
A lighting study was carried out in order to adapt the lighting perfectly to the scenography and the works presented.
The suspended acoustical ceiling perfectly matches the vaulted ceiling. We designed it in a color similar to that of the whitewash on the walls, so that it blends into the decor.
In collaboration with the Institut National pour le Patrimoine Architectural (INPA), extensive work was carried out on the whitewash on the walls, correcting any imperfections. In each room, a wall serves both as an acoustic element and as a storage area.
The black arched doors are a strong aesthetic element, contrasting sharply with the natural pigments of the walls.